
Our main focus for homework is reading. We encourage all parents and carers to listen to their children read at least 5 times a week. This should be one of the reading books they bring home, or their ebook on Oxford Owl. We also encourage as much 'reading for pleasure' as possible, which includes listening to bedtime stories and sharing as many different types of literature as possible. 

In addition to this, each half term the children are given a homework project. The Year 2 children are expected to complete the four tasks from the project. Year 1 children can complete just two of the tasks but may wish to complete all of them. The aim of the homework is to encourage parents to work alongside the children on activities which are designed to be purposeful and fun, at the same time as developing their learning linked to the current topic in school. Once the homework projects are returned we ensure that the children's work is valued through sharing of work within the classrooms, displays of the homework projects around school, as well as selecting examples of homework projects to go on our good work blog.

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