Our school uniform consists of:
red or white polo shirt
grey trousers or skirt, or red check dresses and grey shorts in warmer months.
red jumper or cardigan
black shoes
NB Nursery children are allowed to wear any comfortable, suitable leg wear (such as joggers, leggings) and any comfortable shoes suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
P.E. kits consist of:
White top
Red shorts
Please note that children are expected to come to school in their P.E. kit on P.E. days and should wear dark, plain joggers or leggings and their school jumper or cardigan over the top in colder months.
Our uniform supplier has a range of clothing with our school logo on but logoed items are not compulsory. Parents and carers are welcome to purchase non logoed uniform as long as it is in line with the above. The uniform provider also supplies other optional items of logoed uniform, including coats and fleeces.
Logo uniform orders are available through our online uniform shop. Please follow the link below
-Please note children are required to have a school book bag once they are in full time school. Book bags are supplied through the school office.